Is Microblading right for me?
If any of the following applies to you, we will not be able to perform Microblading:
* If you are Pregnant or Breastfeeding
* If you have Hair Transplants on the eyebrow area
* If you are Under 18
* If you are currently receiving chemotherapy treatments
* If you are sick (cold, flu, etc)
* If you have any skin diseases, symptoms, or irritation that appears on the eyebrow such as eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, scabies, ringworm, acne, allergic reaction, boils, wounds, severe scaling keratosis, and damaged capillaries.
* If you are on Accutane, you must be off it for at least 12 months before getting Microblading
* If you have major heart problems
* If you have epilepsy
* If you have uncontrolled Diabetes
Microblading is not recommended if the following applies to you:
* If you are anemic, yoour pigment may fade soonerand bleeding/bruising can occur
* If you have extremely oily skin, the constant production of oil may cause the hairstrokes to heal muddy and blended togetherinstead of appearing as clean, crisp strokes.
* If you are a frequent smoker, your pigment may fade sooner than normal.
What Is The Difference Between Cosmetic Tattooing and Standard Body Tattooing?
The purpose of cosmetic tattooing is to enhance the natural features of the face. Cosmetic Tattooing is softer and more subtle because of natural “pigments" used instead of “ink”. These pigments are designed to gently soften and fade over time. Fading is desired as it allows the artist to make changes with color, shape and method over the years as the client’s natural coloration and facial changes occur.
Does Cosmetic Tattooing HUrt?
A highly effective numbing cream and topical gel is used before and during the procedure. Pain levels vary from person to person but every effort is made to ensure the client remain comfortable during the procedure. Procedures performed during ones menstrual cycle may increase discomfort and sensitivity. Topical numbing agents do not work as well on clients who smoke regularly, so be aware that this may affect tolerance levels during the procedure as well.
What can I expect dUring my first appointment?
* Client consultation choosing an eyebrow shape and color
* numbing process usinga topical lidocaine
* Measure and mark brow shape using a waterproof pencil
* Pigment is applied with a manual tool and chosen pigment color
* Pigment is left to absorb
* Cleaning of the area and apply numbing gel
* Repeat steps 4-6 one to two more times
*AfterCare instruction
* Entire treatment normally takes 2-3 hours
What can I expect after my procedUre?
* It is possible to experience redness and swelling up to 48 hours after the procedure.
* The treated area will appear much darker and bold due to the oxidation process during the healing period.
* If the area is kept clean and dry then only a light pigment film (not thick scab) will appear after 4-7 days.
* As the area heals it will become dry and itchy.
* As the pigment film starts to flake off DO NOT pick, scratch, itch or pull off any of the areas which are peeling.
* Choosing to pick at flakes and peeling areas will pull out pigment, and result in spots left without any pigment or in some cases scarring.
* As the area continues to heal, a softer more natural result will be revealed underneath.
* Please note that within the first 6 weeks the amount of pigment that you see can seem very faint. It may seem like the pigment has been lost; please be advised that the skin regenerates the pigment and the healing process can in some cases kids the lines completely. You must allow the full healing time of 6 weeks to see the true color and saturation.
What is the recommended aftercare?
Day of Procedure
One hour after the treatment, cleanse the eyebrows and apply a very thin layer of aftercare balm. Repeat every 3 hours.
Days 2 through 7
Morning and night, cleanse brows and apply a very thin layer of aftercare balm. If brows feel itchy or tight throughout the day, reapply.
*Once the scabs have completely fallen off, keep the area moisturized for better healing.
What is to be avoided:
* Do not get brows wet for the first 7 days; that includes steam and sweat. (Take quick showers so there is no steam on the mirror and avoid working out.)
* Avoid direct sun exposure and tanning beds for 2 to 3 weeks.
* Do not apply makeup on the brows for at least 10 days or until all scabs have fallen off.
* Do not use any Hydroxy acids or Retin-A around the brow area.
* No facials, Botox, chemical peels, or laser treatments for 4 weeks.
* Do not pick, scratch, itch, or pull off any of the scabs or areas which are peeling. (Picking at or pulling off the scabs will cause the pigment to fall out and result in spots left without any pigment or in some cases scarring.)
Keep the brows moisturized for better pigment retention. Please note that even once your Microblading is fully healed, it is important to protect it from the sun and any exfoliating treatments as this will fade the pigment.
How Many Sessions Are Needed?
For most clients , a minimum of two treatments are usually needed, at least 6-10 weeks apart. With most procedures, the color will lighten and soften after the first week. At the second session we will assess the color retention and make any necessary adjustments. Everyone heals differently and at different rates. If the area does not heal perfectly the first time, do not stress about the outcome. We can go darker and add more density at your next appointment.
What factors will affect the cosmetic tattoo?
* Sun exposure: The sun will soften and fade the area dramatically, so sunblock should be used (once healed) to prolong the vibrancy.
* The regeneration of skin cells: The longer the regeneration takes, the longer the pigment will hold.
* Glycol and retinol products
* Mechanical or chemical treatments (chemical peels, dermabrasion, laser, mesotherapy)
* The choice of color: Some colors fade quicker than others, as well as the amount of pigment applied to the area. Brows with a lighter, more subtle look will fade out quicker than a darker more dramatic application.
* Bleeding during the procedure: Any bleeding during the procedure will reduce the amount of pigment absorption. This is why alcohol, aspirin, ibuprofen or any type of blood thinner should NOT be taken prior to and following your apt.
* Scars and scar tissue from previous cosmetic tattooing
* Skin density, age and elasticity
* Weak after care